30 September 2010

Week Two Reflection

The second week of class we were introduced to some rules about muscles. We learned some terminology about observing the body and we started building the spinal erectors with our clay and skeleton models. This was very challenging.... working in three dimensions with a two dimensional guide was tough.
We continued drawing gesture drawings of a model this week, starting with 30 second gestures, then one minute, three minutes, etc. These were still challenging for me, because I was trying to get away from drawing only the outlines of the figure. We were taught how to follow the top center planes of the limbs so we only need one mark per limb. This was hard to get the hang of, it was also hard for me to stop focusing on one detail at a time and make an overall gesture of the entire body and position. I also still struggled with getting the entire body in during the faster gestures, and fitting the whole length of the legs and arms (when extended) inside the section of my paper. But practice, practice, practice makes perfect and little by little I'm starting to get the feel of these gestures. With the longer poses, I still feel unsure about my lines and marks, but I try to follow the contours of the body best I can. I do also love drawing the model for the half hour time period, so I can look closely and capture detail.

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