21 December 2010

Last long pose and gestures.

This last week we had a model come in and we did some (clothed, due to the freezing weather) gestures and one long pose. It was fun to do this, because it felt like it had been awhile since we only concentrated on the full figure, and weren't learning about a specific area. The one minute (or was it thirty second?) gestures were a little rough at first, but as we continued I found myself remembering how to quickly capture the form. I was a little tired this day, so these drawings kind of wore me out, but I found them relaxing nonetheless. I especially enjoyed the longer gestures, where I had time to really look at her position and capture it on my paper. It also was a different experience to draw the model with clothes on, but I think my gestures turned out looking about the same as they usually do. It was pretty automatic to just assume where the body parts were under her clothes, and you could still see how they were moving if you paid attention.

For the long pose, I sat almost straight on in front of the model, at her level. She was leaning up against the wall with her legs crossed along with her arms crossed. I spent some time mapping out her form with vine charcoal, which rubbed away easily when I made mistakes or had to change something. For this drawing, I looked not for contour lines but just for the folds in her shirt and actual things that I saw. I was pleased with the way the drawing turned out, although I would've like a little more time to fix some things. But overall I just had fun with this last drawing and I really didn't think about what I was doing consciously, I just started and waited to see what would happen... whatever worked I kept and whatever looked wrong I brushed away. It was a fun drawing to finish on, and I'm not sure whether I was relieved the long, energy-draining poses were over or sad that these meditative studies of the human form should be no more.

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